[新聞] 華裔美籍楊雅慧以面子入圍金馬獎最佳女主角
(中央社記者黃慧敏台北十八日電)華裔美籍影星楊雅慧(Michelle Krusiec)以電影「面子」(SavingFace)入圍第四十二屆金馬獎最佳女主角。電影公司原為她報名女配角,但評審認為她的演技可圈可點,主動將她改為角逐女主角,最後入圍最佳女主角。
楊雅慧在退出「世界嘉年華」主持群後,很快就成為美國國家廣播電視網NBC週六晨間影集「One World」的固定班底,之後還參加「Cold Case」、「失蹤現場」、「神經妙探」和「急診室的春天」、「老公不出牆」等電視影集演出。
楊雅慧 好萊塢跑了17年龍套
今年金馬獎最佳女主角入圍名單一出,許多人都在問:「Michelle Krusiec(楊雅慧)是誰?」事實上,現年三十一歲的她已在演藝圈打滾十七年,「面子」是她第一次挑大樑當女主角,結果一舉獲得金馬獎影后提名,演「面子」果然讓她有「面子」!
source: http://www.epochtimes.com.tw/bt/5/10/20/n1091464.htm
面子嶄露頭角 楊雅慧盼在好萊塢更上層樓
因為「面子」一片入圍本屆金馬獎最佳女主角的華裔女星Michelle Krusiec,在美國好萊塢可以說是繼劉玉玲之後,最被看好的華裔女演員。這部由美國獨立製片的電影十一月底將在台灣上映,而入圍金馬獎無疑為這部電影加分不少。台視記者林筱雯在洛杉磯專訪了這位華裔女星,談談她在好萊塢的奮鬥歷程。這部已經在美國上映的電影「Saving Face」,是Michelle Krusiec第一部挑大樑擔任女主角的片子。片中她飾演一位美國移民家庭第二代,不敢讓保守的母親知道自己女同志的身份,不過飾演母親的陳沖也有她自己的秘密。面子描述的不光是同性戀議題,還有移民家庭微妙的親子關係,對初次擔任女主角的Michelle來說是相當大的挑戰。事實上,Michelle進軍好萊塢已經有七年,她也道出亞裔演員在好萊塢發展演藝事業的艱辛。近年來,包括成龍、章子怡等人成功打進好萊塢,Michelle認為,亞洲電影近年來的蓬勃發展,對亞裔藝人來說是件好事。Michelle出色的演出已經為她爭取到好幾部片約,也獲得金馬獎最佳女主角提名,這位來自台灣的華裔女星屆時將會出席金馬盛會,希望故鄉的觀眾能肯定她的演技給她支持。
source: http://www.ttv.com.tw/news/html/094/10/0941027/09410270000801L.htm
i hope michelle wins for best actress, she definitely deserves it when compared to some of the other actresses...
Michelle, well done!
Hi, I'm from Singapore and I must say I'm totally in love with "Saving Face". Love its simplicity, heartfelt humor and its happy ending. I just can't get enough of it.
It's one of the best shows I watched this year!
Well done Alice, Michelle, Lynn and Joan!
P.S: I hope Michelle would win the award, she's deliciously fantastic!
Good news is, Saving Face is coming to Hong Kong, in a cinema other than DVD.
It is going to be shown on 17 Nov on the Opening Gala for this year's Hong Kong L&G Film Festival.
WOW! what can I say?
I LOVE this movie
everything about it is just so good
ya, some reviews say it is this and that, plot could be better etc
but from what I see, I just like very much
I've seen it 3 times
I look forward to see more production as humurous, as touching, as heart-warming as Saving Face
Think Lyne Chen (lovely Vivian) should also be nominated for best atress although she was doing more like a supporting role. However, I think she did a great job in delivering a broad range of emotions. For Michelle, think she needs to release the tension between her eyebrows a little because unwanted tension can be an actor's biggist enemy.
yup, Lynn Chen should be nominated for Best Supporting Actress. Well, Michelle's character "Wil" is confused and awkward, that would explain the constant frowning i guess.
what is alice wu doing now?
and lynn chen...michelle...
新浪娛樂訊 今年因在《面子》金馬參賽片中表現很好,受評審委員青睞而主動由女配角晉升角逐最佳女主角的Michelle Krusiec(楊雅慧),昨日(4日)開心的在《面子》試片後亮了相。
Michelle上周就悄悄自洛杉磯來台,出生台灣,5歲被姑姑領養到美國跟姑丈姓的Michelle,壓根兒沒想到自己會入圍,“我在台灣是個新人,我以為入圍的是演媽媽的陳衝,所以很感動、很意外!” 31歲的Michelle相當嬌小,個性活潑,但在《面子》里,她演技自然清新,頗具封後的黑馬之姿。
楊雅慧國語不輪轉 搞到想吃水餃?
2005.11.08 中國時報
source: http://news.chinatimes.com/Chinatimes/newslist/newslist-content/0,3546,110511+112005110800366,00.html
regarding the above post, what voting? at the golden horse?
Yes. It had won Golden Horse Audience Choice Award.
Audience Choice AwardSaving Face
michelle krusic和堂妹的生活照
YoannaHouse's blog
i was shocked when i first heard saving face won the audience choice award. it is indeed a great achievement. i think michelle deserved to win the best actress, but the competition is a little tough. does anyone have captures of michelle in golden horse awards?
well...m from singapore..m totally in love with this movie..i esp love Lynn chen...she is great...m head over heal in love with LYNN CHEN...
i can't believe michelle lost by one ballet...i was really hoping she'd get it!!
I watched Saving Face 5 times in 2 days! I am totally crazy about the movie. Krusiec and Lynn totally blew my mind!
Definitely a good movie. I havent felt so moved by a movie for a long time...and it's started alot of thinking in me too...
anyone knows when the dvd will reach Singapore? i refuse to yield to pirated ones for this show!
the dvd has been on sale on amazon.com these days.
Finally watched the film in Taipei. It's much much better than I already expect! The plot is great, the lines are great, the actresses are great. It's just a great movie and much more than just a les film!
I watched it after a tense day at work and came home totally relaxed and smiling to myself.
It's one of the best film I've seen in recent years. Hope Alice and all others keep up the good work!
how is everyone in taiwan..well taipei..reacting to it? You know how conservative chinese people can get.
any word on what the main actresses are doing lately? and alice? working on a new project?
I bought Savung Face DVD from amazon 2 weeks ago at $20+ and today, they are selling it at $14+ (40% off) what a difference!
anyway, I've since watched Saving Face a few times again and really still enjoy every minute of it, every scene, every moment, Alice, Michelle, Lynn & Joan are just AWESOME
considering everything, I doubt we can ever get a movie this interesting, warm and funny again
MK is perfect for the script, I juz don't see her doing as well in any of her other works which are so bimbo, especially her latest movie Cursed 2005 as a nosebled co-worker? whatz that?
I'm juz so thakful to the cast and crew for Saving Face
and I can't wait for them to release the SOUNDTRACK - it is so beautiful, and we, fans juz can't get enough of it since most are specially produced for the movie
I am totally obsessed with Saving Face. I eat, drink and sleep with this movie and still can't get enough. And I do have good time posting about SV with other folks in IMDB.com
Lynn is nominated for an award! Go to http://www.i-channel.com/axa/ to vote for her!!!
whoever likes the soundtrack please go to commotion records.com and tell them that you want it released or else they won't.
Michelle, lynn & Alice, you guys really awesome....
superb.... i watched the film twice a day in one week....im totally in love with the scripts,music and characters.... more films like this...
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