Monday, May 30, 2005

Some News Reports in Chinese

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Saturday, May 21, 2005

A Few Ways to Help

  1. Send film opening announcements to all your e-groups. (see sample announcement below)
  2. Call/text people on your phone memory to check in and make a date to see Saving Face together.
  3. Organize group outings to go see Saving Face during Memorial Day Weekend, a dinner afterwards would be perfect.
  4. Invite friends from out of town for the long weekend and take them to the Saving Face parties around town.
  1. Host a house party for your favorite community groups and bring them to the movie.
  2. Write to editors of magazines, newspaper, and online entertainment sites requesting coverage of the film.
  3. Internet Voting
    20% voted on Movie Nation said they will never watch it, not even on a plane! Thus they bring down the voting average. Let's VOTE!
  4. Chat with your seat-neighbors in the theater and get them to sign up to the community efforts. (One way is to give them our BLOG address or, if they are nice, get their email address.)
  5. Media watch - share links of reviews with the BLOG.
  6. Share your ideas about how we can help bring the film to a national release.

Sample Announcement to send to your friends/e-groups

SAVING FACE - NYC opening 5/27
at the ANGELIKA (in Soho) and the AMC 25 (on 42nd Street)

Saving Face is a heartwarming romantic comedy centered on a mother and daughter's journey through mutual understanding and affirmation. First time filmmaker Alice Wu gave up her computer programming career to pursue the dream of making films. She created this surprisingly charming and personal piece while writing with her mother. It's also the first American theatrical release featuring an Asian American lesbian couple.

Watch a trailer --
Community blog --

The film was treasured at its world-debut in Toronto and was a triumphant sensation at the Sundance Film Festival this year. A thriving buzz is building in communities around the country.

So join us help support the film during its opening weekend so it has a chance to go national and therefore help build visibility for our communities.

Save the date! May 27-30, 2005!

Saving Face community BLOG Team

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