Some News Reports in Chinese
- 《多維時報》﹕陳沖首次出演浪漫愛情喜劇﹐電影《面子》本周末紐約﹑洛杉磯上映
- 《多維時報》專訪華裔主演陳沖﹑楊雅慧﹑陳凌﹕《面子》會給後人鋪路
- 《多維時報》﹕拍電影是寫給媽媽的愛信--專訪電影《面子》的導演及編劇伍思薇
- 《世界日報》電腦碩士從影 辛勤造 面子伍思薇創作劇本 奮鬥五年終拍成片 故事超俗 明天上映
- 《世界日報》陳沖衝著「面子」來紐約 縱橫好萊塢 集導演、製片、編劇、演員於一身
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Sample Announcement to send to your friends/e-groups
SAVING FACE - NYC opening 5/27
at the ANGELIKA (in Soho) and the AMC 25 (on 42nd Street)
Saving Face is a heartwarming romantic comedy centered on a mother and daughter's journey through mutual understanding and affirmation. First time filmmaker Alice Wu gave up her computer programming career to pursue the dream of making films. She created this surprisingly charming and personal piece while writing with her mother. It's also the first American theatrical release featuring an Asian American lesbian couple.
Watch a trailer --
Community blog --
The film was treasured at its world-debut in Toronto and was a triumphant sensation at the Sundance Film Festival this year. A thriving buzz is building in communities around the country.
So join us help support the film during its opening weekend so it has a chance to go national and therefore help build visibility for our communities.
Save the date! May 27-30, 2005!
Saving Face community BLOG Team